Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bill Kutik's latest column

A few days ago Bill Kutik wrote a column about recent events at Authoria In a single column, Kutik manages to provide the single best and most useful overview of Authoria and Tod Loofburrow ever published, at least to my knowledge. Simply by reporting the facts and history of the company as they are, any organisation looking at Authoria now has a much better context of what this company is about, good, bad or otherwise.

I reviewed earlier analyst and media coverage of Authoria for the last few years, and it was overwhelmingly worthless hype or commonplace information that would not help a buying organisation really understand a potential vendor. I am on the record as being more negative than Kutik on Authoria, and it is certainly not my intention to plant my nose firmly between his arse cheeks. But, with this column and others, Kutik reminds us of why proper press coverage and informed reporting are so important, not just to HCM technology, but to business in general.

It's truly baffling that with all of the analysts and consultants out there charging organisations premium fees to help make HCM technology decisions, that a simple column by a member of the press is the person to actually deliver some goods. Best of all it was free!

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